General Information
Nagaland has been given recognition as a state in the year in 31st December of 1963. The Naga Hills run through this small state, which has Saramati as its highest peak at a height of 12,600 ft. The main rivers that flow through Nagaland are Dhansiri, Doyang, Dikhu and Jhanji. By nature Nagas are lovers of fun and frolic and here life is one long festival.The Nagas with their joie de vivre, dance and songs are a part and parcel of all their festivities.
Nagaland inhabited by the Naga tribes, captured international attention during world war 2, because it was here that the Japanese advance was halted by British and Indian troops. Nagas were spirited warriors and by the end of the 19th century the British reached peace with Nagas and found them useful as allies in war against the Japanese.
Nagaland is a picturesque land, criss crossed with swift-flowing rivulets and rivers, surrounded by blue hills with lush greenery and exquisite flora and fauna. Nagaland is a land of festivals. Most of these festivals are connected to springs, sowing seeds, first crops, harvest, end of the year and Christians festivals. The Naga people follow the lunar calendar for the celebration of their festivals.
Demographic Informations
Area: 17000 sq kms
Capital: Kohima
Populations: 1,210000 (2001census provisional figures)
Languages: English, Angami, Ao, Chang, Konyak, Lotha, Sangtam
Best touring season
October to February